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Monday, November 23, 2009

Proper Food Storage Conditions - Moisture and Humidity

Re-post Courtesy of Riverwalker's Stealth Survival

The major reason for a long term food storage program is that it will be available for you and your family in a disaster or a time of crisis. It is of the utmost importance that you have an understanding of the conditions that can affect the food items in your long term food storage program.

The ideal storage location and conditions for your long term food items should have a humidity level of 15 % or less, a temperature of 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and be totally safe and protected from insects, rodents, and other pests. Unfortunately, ideal conditions are seldom practical and are almost impossible to achieve. There are however certain things you can do to improve the shelf life of storage food items while protecting them from the effects of moisture and humidity.

Food Storage Tips to Avoid Moisture and Humidity

1.) Keep your food items stored under climate controlled conditions (air conditioning, refrigeration, etc.). This is especially important during periods of unusually high humidity or temperature levels.

2.) Reduce the possibility of moisture condensation. Keep storage containers out of direct contact with floors and exterior walls.

3.) Store your food items in containers that are resistant to the effects of moisture or humidity.

4.) Use food safe desiccants to control the moisture content inside your food storage containers.

Always remember, that no matter how effectively you protect your storage food items from the effects of temperature, humidity, light and pests, you will need to have a good rotation plan for your food storage.

Rotate. Rotate. Rotate.

Staying above the water line!


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