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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Running to the Hills in Preparation for 2012 Armageddon

The Doomsday clock to December 21, 2012 has begun, and some are already taking action in hopes they’ll be able to avoid Armageddon:

Armageddon-fearing pilgrims were flocking to a village deep in the southern French hills after a countdown was started to the end of the world, which stood Thursday at a mere 729 days to go.

Followers of the Mayan calendar believe the mountain in the Corbieres hills overlooking the village of Bugarach, east of the Pyrenees, was endorsed by aliens as a safe place to survive the demise of civilization.

The countdown began Tuesday, exactly two years until Dec. 21, 2012 — the movement’s assigned Judgment Day.

The mythical status bestowed upon the 4,045 foot high rock above Bugarach has inspired legends since the Middle Ages and attracted generations of hikers.

But the French locals were left bemoaning the sudden deluge of New Age pilgrims, who they accuse of setting up camp in the village to cash in on the fears of impending doom.

Source: My Fox NY

While we’re not sure if the world will end in a naturally manifested disaster in 2012, we can’t help but support those who have decided to bug out of cities in anticipation of a doomsday event.

Like those pilgrims heading to the hills we, too, have a bug out plan - and so should you.

We’ve previously discussed the possibility of a 2012 Armageddon scenario and the fact that the US government is rapidly preparing for large scale catastrophe. But preparations aren’t just limited to the US. Russia has also expedited plans to build some 5,000 nuclear bomb shelters in Moscow with a target completion date of about 18 months from now. That, along with the Doomsday Seed Vault which was quickly constructed in recent years, suggests that perhaps someone knows something they’re not sharing with the rest of us.

The conspiracy behind 2012 doomsday preparations was discussed in a recent Jesse Ventura Consirpacy Theory episode, available for viewing in full below:

Our view is that a total collapse of the world as we know it may very well come circa 2012, but we believe that it is more likely that the disaster will be man-made as opposed to a naturally occurring event such as a pole shift, which may cause disturbances to Earth’s gravitational and electro-magnetic fields as our planet moves through the galactic ‘dark rift’, which is one of the modern-day scientific theories for what the Mayan 2012 calendar predicts. This theory has been popularized by the documentary The Horizon Project, and has been made available for your viewing below. If you’re interested in the science behind the Hollywood blockbuster 2012, The Horizon Project explains the science behind it and how it may actually happen - without Hollywood special effects:

While we’re not sure if the French hills will provide cover during a complete breakdown in Earth’s crust as predicted by the Horizon Project, one thing’s for sure: If it so happens that we pass through the galactic dark rift and the earth experiences break-up of the crust, then we’re in serious trouble. We’ll likely see large-scale destructive weather events, as well as tidal waves hundreds, perhaps thousands of feet high.

If this is the case, then any hills, or mountains for that matter, will provide more coverage than flat lands. 90% of the Earth’s population lives close enough to coast lines that in a large scale natural disaster, like that which Horizon Project predicts, the majority of Earth’s population would be nearly wiped out.

So, we repeat, if weird weather events, massive earthquakes, and electro-magnetic disturbances start occurring, be ready to go to higher ground - either that or the Canadian Shield, which is reportedly the oldest solid rock land mass on Earth and has likely been through many a pole shift without being recycled into the Earth’s crust.

Whatever the case, SHTFplan will remain vigilant, looking for looming disasters, be they man made or natural, and inform our readers what we think. Whether you bug out or not if the worst were to happen will be up to you. We’ll do our best to keep you up to date in the event the S is about to hit the fan.

Author: Mac Slavo
Date: December 23rd, 2010
Visit the Author's Website: http://www.SHTFplan.com/

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